I'm starting to get into a rhythm with the 10th standard now. They have English class every day, sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon. Their teacher, Manju Nimbkar, is also the official principal for the high school and acting principal for the rest of the school. Maxine has been running around like a crazy woman trying to get funds for the school or for the communication center they have been working on, and now she's ill, so Manju does everything, including teaching several different classes.
Manju sends the students out two at a time to read the English passages I wrote (on such scintillating subjects as Maslow’s torture experiment and birthday parties) and practice their pronunciation, comprehension, tone, etc. Some of the students are doing quite well. They can read and understand the passages, for the the most part, and just need to figure out how to read more naturally. Others really have a lot of vocabulary work to do before they are doing to be able to read aloud with any understanding of what they are saying.
On Monday, a whole crowd of 10th standard girls (Snehel, Prenali, Komal, Chineh, Sanchita, and Pria, just to say a few) walked into Maxine’s office when I was eating a snack and seemed at a loss for what to do next. At some point I mentioned that I knew German, so they've taken to asking me how to say "My name is. . " and other little phrases auf Deutsch. It's fun and they laugh when I make the throaty noises, but I don't think it's the language we're supposed to be working on.
Array yaar! How are you? It dounds like you've already gotten yourself into the swing of things. Kya bat hai! Have you learned any Hindi yet? I'll keep reading. I'm green with envy.
Sounds like you're having fun. Teach them some French too.
Just wanted to let you know I'm still reading and enjoying your posts : )
Thanks Kristin! It means a lot that people are checking out my ramblings.
Reid, you'll need to teach me some French first. Otherwise all they are going to learn is maird (spelling?).
Gandharva, mi tike ahe! My Marathi is getting better, but I don't speak a word of Hindi. When it comes to people with actual language classes I'm pretty envious myself. All of my classes have been in (or attempted) English.
That's adorable. You're a total celebrity.
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