Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sorry for the recent silence. Since my change in location, I have to grab five and ten minute bits of time on the one computer at the school that gets internet or try to find an internet cafe (very expensive). I probably also won't be able to call, as the phone booths charge over five dollars per minute. Ouch.

Do know that I still love all of you, will try to write as much as possible, and love to hear what is going on in your lives!


Unknown said...

Rachel this is from Nana Mary

Still has to wear "boot" another 5 weeks to help the break heal. Might have to have root canal where she feel on the two front teeth, but she is doing very well


wordy_explorer said...

I'm glad to hear that she is doing well. I'm thinking of both of you over here and can't wait to see you in August!

Anonymous said...

We love you too! Don't worry, go have fun, and you can tell us stories later!