Friday, June 22, 2007

The Flood Cometh

We had about 160 mm of rain last night and now Phaltan is dealing with a flood. This is about 30% of the rain they would expect over an entire Monsoon season, and it isn't even the rainy season here yet! Although it may be Monsoon season in Mumbai, the Ghat Mountains keep this area (in the “rain shadow”) from getting much rain until around September. Here, towns are more prone to drought and, apparently, Phaltan hasn’t seen this much rain in over thirty years. The area behind Maxine’s house only has about six inches of water, but other, more low-lying areas nearby have it much worse. Our next-door neighbor is an English teacher at the KNB and acting principal of both the primary and secondary schools. Her family’s land usually has a small drainage stream, but now they are dealing with about two feet of dirty water.

First thing this morning, we visited Nanda’s house (she’s Maxine’s long-time cook and helper) to make sure that her family was ok. Her house has been leaking recently and she lives fairly close to the river. Luckily, she was on high enough ground to escape all but leaking damage, but it must have been hard to live in that house while it poured all last night. Right now, the local authorities who would usually deal with this situation are on vacation on the coast, so the families with a great deal of water damage, blocked transportation, and compromised sewage systems, will have to manage on their own.

Don't worry. I am in no danger.

pictures to come.


Anonymous said...

Two feet of dirty water? I can't wait...

Kristin said...

Glad you're safe! All of your stories sound wonderful, even the embarrassing ones. I'm jealous : ) Hope it all continues to go well (and as entertaining).

wordy_explorer said...

Dad--Oh, don't be a baby. Just wait until I tell you about the cockroaches. . .

Kristin-- THanks for reading and enjoying. I'm glad my international humiliation can be put to good use!

Walt Prentice said...


I wanted to let you know that I'm readinig your blog every day. I got your blog address from your mom at Charlotte's Herold's graduation party. My 3 words to describe your adventure so far: grit, wit, and perspicacity. Keep posting. Regards, Walt Prentice (Who's he?)

wordy_explorer said...


Thanks for the note. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the play-by-play.