Thursday, June 21, 2007


For those of you who are interested, my mailing address will be the same as the school's:

Kamala Nimbkar Balbhavan
Ring Road, Behind Adikargrah, Laxminagar,
Phaltan 415 523, Maharashtra, India.

I'd love to hear from everybody and I am very curious to see how long it takes for letters to arrive. Weeks? Months? Place your bets folks.

1 comment:

Angelic Scribe said...

Hi... this is Carly :)

I just re-discovered your blog and am glad you have an addy here (after all, I've been sending Suzanne and Emily random cards at camp, and they didn't even leave the country).

Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

Hugs n' such!

~The Carly

Oh... and expect something from me soon (muhahaha).